ESSIC 2025
Milan, 23-25 Oct
Welcome messages
ESSIC is happy to announce its 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Bladder Pain Syndrome/IC has kept researchers and clinicians focused for decades. In the recent past tremendous progress has been made in understanding, diagnosing and treating BP/IC. You will know that ESSIC has been very instrumental in achieving this progress. But there is still a lot to be done. The meeting in Amsterdam is a good forum to present, discuss and make plans. Our meeting is really focused on this clinical condition, what permits us to go deeper and understand better. We encourage everyone dealing with patients with BPS/IC to participate and, by discussing many different topics, increase your own knowledge and that of colleagues from around the world. The ultimate beneficiary is our patient, and that is what we are all aiming for. I look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam and hope you will bring challenging questions, new findings, criticism and hope. See you there!
Jean-Jacques Wyndaele
Welcome everyone to Amsterdam. This year’s ESSIC conference is focused on the multidisciplinairy approach to diagnosing and treating BPS/IC patients. I believe we have put together a very diverse scientific programme. Topics will be presented by internationally renowned speakers and our goal is that all attendees will receive the tools and knowledge to be able to provide state-of-the-art healthcare to treat our patients. Personalized treatment and patient participation will therefore be extensively explored during the conference. Enjoy and connect!
Dick Janssen